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Christ Is King Action Ministries (of the greater Cincinnati Tri-State area)

We are a men only group of lay Catholics working towards the social Kingship of Christ.

Inspired by the Blessed Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire, and in response to the request made to the King of France by Heaven through the visions of St. Marguerite-Marie Alacoque, as well as the teachings of the Holy Pontiffs on the Doctrines of Catholic Action and the Social Kingship of Christ. Christ Is King Action Ministries is the current form of the Catholic counter-Revolution. Uniting Under the auspices of the Sacred Heart of Jesus those who desire the submission of the civil society of the Greater Cincinnati area to the rule of Christ the King.

Next Event(s)


Our next men's only monthly meet up at Parkland Pub will be an opportunity to dive into local history and recover our lost patrimony and learn how we can carry on the good work that zealous Catholics were once doing in the Greater Cincinnati tri-state area.  

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