Christ Is King Action Ministries
Christ Is King Action Ministries (of greater Cincinnati Tri-State area.
We are a men only group of lay Catholics working towards the social Kingship of Christ.
Inspired by the Blessed Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire, and in response to the request made to the King of France by Heaven through the visions of St. Marguerite-Marie Alacoque, as well as the teachings of the Holy Pontiffs on the Doctrines of Catholic Action and the Social Kingship of Christ. Christ Is King Action Ministries is the current form of the Catholic counter-Revolution. Uniting Under the auspices of the Sacred Heart of Jesus those who desire
the submission of the civil society of the Greater Cincinnati area to the rule of Christ the King.
Lacking in orthodox religious formation, many Tri-State area Catholics are derelict in their duties to the Church, their families, and society.
Acceptance of the noxious tenets of Americanism and moral relativism has resulted in the religious and cultural degeneration of Catholics in the Greater Cincinnati area, many of whom are now lax, liberal, and complacent in regards to living out the faith that is the sacred patrimony their ancestors fought and died to give them, and which, as such, deserves all of their attentions.
- Resist Secularism, i.e., Americanism, Globalism, Freemasonry, and Sexual
Degeneracy. - Reclaim our Patrimony, i.e., our Religion, History, Language, and Culture.
- Restore Christendom in the Tri-State area by implementing the Doctrine of the Social Reign of Christ the King.
We will advance these goals via a three-pronged offensive in the three social realms:
- The Hearth
- The Thrones
- The Altars
Primary Offensive: The Hearth (Stop Secularism in Its Tracks)
- Promote devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Kingship of Christ via the image – suitable to Cincinnati – of the Kingly and Sacred Heart upon a field of the crest of the Blessed Emperor Charlemagne.
- Promote the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in every Greater Cincinnati area home.
- Teach and promote daily prayer of the Rosary in German and/or Latin.
- Provide opportunities for education, re: Doctrines of Catholic Action, Social Kingship of Christ, Counter-Revolution and the Catholic history and culture of the greater Cincinnati area.
- Along with the Kingship of Christ we also wish to promote Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary who is our Queen and our Mother. Nothing we do will be done without involving her aid and using the wrapping of the Holy Rosary. We wish to be those apostles of the latter days with the crucifix in one and the rosary in the other.
Secondary Offensive: The Thrones (Supplant and Eject Secularism)
Launch a Private Membership Association for all Tri-State area Catholics and catechumens, which, operating under the 1st and 14th amendments and the Magna Carta (primarily “freedom of association”), establishes a political and economic matrix that exists outside of the jurisdiction of many laws governing public commerce. A PMA provides a place for:
- A rightly ordered political hierarchy.
- Exchange of goods and services without undue regulatory burdens.
- Application of Catholic economic principles, such as subsidiarity.
- Prioritizing patronage of Catholic businesses.
- Both digital and physical marketplaces where the Catholic customer and the Catholic producer can meet.
- The gradual establishment of a powerful network of the Church Militant as she fights against the secular powers.
- In short, the real framework of a truly Christian society (i.e. Christendom).
- Host public, masculine demonstrations and processions proclaiming Christ as King in the public square. Deus lo vult! Objective: display the Church Militant’s presence as a force to be reckoned with.
- Make Public Reparation for public sin.
Tertiary Offensive: The Altars (Expose and Expel the Secular Infiltration of the Church)
- Hold Public Men’s Rosary Rallies making use of our Universal and Sacred Language of Latin.
- Advocate for the restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass which is our sacred and cultural patrimony.
- Provide opportunities for Catechesis on the Catholic Doctrine of the Social Reign of Christ the King and other doctrines that have been neglected since Vatican II.
- Organize Rosary Rallies in defense of the Latin Mass and Traditional Priests who are calumniated and “canceled” for the fidelity to the Latin Mass.