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Recommended Reading

Action by Jean Ousset

  • To understand well the doctrines and need for Catholic men to take Action.

The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism by Fr. Denis Fahey

  • To understand well the doctrines of the Social Kingship of Christ and it’s opposition.

Revolution and Counter Revolution by Plinio de Oliveira

  • To understand well the concept of counter-revolution and what distinguishes it from the reactionary and revolutionary forces already at work in the world.

Framework of a Christian State by Fr. E. Cahill

  • To know well and understand what exactly we are seeking to recover and implement in the world and in society.

Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Gueranger

  • To know well and understand our Catholic culture. It is rooted in and build up by the liturgical year.

Puritans Empire by Charles Coulombe

  • To know our own American history from a Catholic perspective.

The Popes against Modernism by Tan Publishing

  • To understand the threat of secularization, modernization, globalism, communism, freemasonry, Americanism, and other anti-Catholic errors of Modern Men.

Liberalism is Sin by Fr Felix Sarda Y Salvany

  • To understand the errors of Liberalism

Recommended Publishers:

Loreto Publications

IHS Press

Tumblar House

Baronius Press

Tan Books